Monday, 15 July 2019

ArcMap – Oracle LISTAGG results in empty column

When using LISTAGG recently in view definition I had the problem that the column content based on LISTAGG was not shown in ArcMap / ArcCatalog.

The LISTAGG command usage was like that:

cast(listagg(nachname || '; ' || vorname || ' / ') within group(order by nachname) as nvarchar2(500)) as eigentuemer_name,

The columns (nachname, vorname) I concatenated were of data type “nvarchar2”. My initial view definition did not specify the data type for the column – I added it later but it did not solve my problem.

In SQL Developer the content of the column was shown right from the start. To check how other applications behave I connected to the view using Excel and tried to import the data into a sheet. When I did that I got an ORA-01401 inserted value too large for column message. After bit of research I found the following discussion on SO.

It was mentioned that there might be an issue with the length of the right hand side of the concatenation operator when usung NVARCHAR. I changed the view definition to VARCHAR2 and also increased the size. Afterwards I could import the data into Excel – but in ArcMap the column was still empty.

The second hint on the page – applying to_char conversion - finally solved the issue:

cast(listagg(to_char(nachname) || '; ' || to_char(vorname) , ' / ') within group(order by nachname) as varchar2(4000)) as eigentuemer_name,

It’s a bit strange – other columns in the view based on NVARCHAR2 are shown in ArcMap. Only in connection with LISTAGG the problem occurs.

ArcMap 10.5.1, Oracle