Tuesday, 15 March 2022

ArcCatalog - deleted feature class reappears (Enterprise Geodatabase)

I tried to delete Oracle views in ArcCatalog but as soons as I reconnected the feature class reappeared in ArcCatalog.

It seems that if the view is invalid in Oracle ArcCatalog can't delete it. You need to modify the view so that it becomes valid again before deleting.

ArcMap/ArcCatalog 10.7.1, Oracle 11g

Geonis Interlis Export - ORA-24550: signal received: Unhandled exception: Code=e0434352 Flags=1 - revisted

Coming back to a post from 2019:

ORA-24550: signal received: Unhandled exception: Code=e0434352 Flags=1

The message doesnt help that much and hides the error message generated by the application. The message seems to be part of some kind of diagnostics which is enabled by default in some circumstances in Oracle client. It can be turned off by adding the following setting to sqlnet.ora


After turning it off I got a more helpful error stack trace:

Unhandled Exception: GEONIS.Core.ErrorHandling.GTranslateableException: Could not open Table [VMG.VMG_V_VER_FLA_ART] ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: DBMS-Tabelle nicht gefunden [ORA-24372: Ungültiges Objekt für Beschreibung]

   at ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeatureWorkspace.OpenTable(String Name)
