Friday, 23 May 2014

Administrator crashes when trying to add view

Map - Administrator might crash when you add a view (add new feature class > create from existing view). If  log file or CER report (dmpuserinfo.xml) contain the following error message:

OSGeo.FDO.Common.Exception: ORA-01406: Gelieferter Spaltenwert wurde abgeschnitten
 'SELECT USER, view_name, text FROM user_views'

(Translation of ORA message: fetched column value was truncated)

the cause for the crash could be due to a view definition with more than 10000 characters.

The 10000 character limit I haven't tested myself but was told by an Autodesk employee some time ago. It seems the issue was introduced in Map 2013 and didn't not exist in prevoius releases. I don't know if this has been fixed in newer releases.

Map 2013, SP2

1 comment:

  1. Ich hatte das Problem auch, aber es lag an der Gesamtlänge aller Viewdefinitionen, also auch solcher, die nicht als Featureklassen registriert sind/werden sollen.
    Inzwischen ist das Limit aber aufgehoben (2014).

