Thursday, 30 April 2015

Master detail form - no records shown in detail form

I re-blog an older post today as I just came across the same issue again but I had forgotten about it. I wasted some time testing all sorts of things before I looked it up on the web finding my own posting!

When you create a Master Detail form Map needs to insert some records into certain system tables. Unfortunately with Map 2013 not all of those entries are created properly. You need to add missing ones manually to table TB_GN_DIALOG. Look up the record for your form and check the columns "detail_fieldname" and "master_fieldname". They need to refer to the FID columns of the tables involved.

You can navigate to the record in TB_GN_DIALOG more easily if you:
- open the master-detail form you need to rectify in preview mode in Map-Administrator
- click into the input text box of the detail form (just above the tool-bar)
- press Ctrl+D

The form for TB_GN_DIALOG will open and display the record you need to check/edit.

TB_GN_DIALOG - detail_fieldname is empty

Master-Detail form now functiong properly after fxing entries in TB_GN_DIALOG

Map 2103, SP2

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

AutoCAD Mechanical - Fatal error: unable to load the modeller dlls

I created a network deployment for Autodesk Factory Design Suite 2015. The deployment was installed on the user machine and a virtual machine as well. In both cases Mechanical crashed with error message "Fatal error: unable to load the modeller dlls" when trying to resize a circle. The issue did not occur with AutoCAD or AutoCAD Architecture.

We tried to find the reason and did perform several tests - but to no avail. Finally I re-created the deployment and reinstalled. The issue does not occur anymore. So - we spent quite some time on troubleshooting instead of just recreating the deployment....

Factory Design Suite 2015 

Can't see deleted files in Bin?

I just came across this. I had some files deleted early this morning and then needed to get some of them back - but for a strange reason my Bin was empty. 
As it turns out the issue is due to a bug in Windows 7. I have a codemeter usb stick plugged in and the company behind it provides a download link:

which points to

"Assume that you connect a removable hard disk drive to a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. The removable hard disk drive is read-only and does not contain a Recycle Bin. In this situation, when you open the Recycle Bin on the desktop to restore some files, no deleted files are displayed in the Recycle Bin."

If you cannot install the hotfix - for Codemeter another solution exists by changing the codemeter configuration. 

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Crystal Reports Designer "Save as" to Enterprise fails

We have already migrated quite a view reports from an older CR release to CR 2011 just by opening the report in CR Designer and saving it to Enterprise server.

Suddenly - with some reports - saving reports failed with error message : "internal error report application server failed".

Solution - activate "no printer" option Page Setup as described here: