Monday, 21 October 2019

Geonis form with SQL

I added the following SQL statement to a Geonis form

 <edit title="Objekt" width="150">  
 select name_nummer as name from u_ele_trasseeabschnitt where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select name_nummer as name from u_ele_strangabschnitt where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select name || ', ' || u_tplnr from ele_tragwerk where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select name || ', ' || u_tplnr from ele_schacht where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  

but I didn't get any results. Turns out that one needs to use the CONCAT command instead:

 <edit title="Objekt" width="150">  
 select name_nummer from u_ele_trasseeabschnitt where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select name_nummer from u_ele_strangabschnitt where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select concat(name, concat(', ', u_tplnr)) as name_nummer from ele_tragwerk where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select concat(name, concat(', ', u_tplnr)) as name_nummer from ele_schacht where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]                                     

Geonis 2017.0

Monday, 7 October 2019

Geonis Interlis Export - ORA-24550: signal received: Unhandled exception: Code=e0434352 Flags=1

When exporting Interlis/LK Map FME just stopped working. Log file didn't contain any further information about the cause.

I had done an export successfully earlier with a project from the test database. Using the production database FME crashed.

The only difference I noticed was that the test project used an owner-connection to Oracle, the production project a editor-connection.

To get more information about the cause of the issue I ran the FME workbench in Windows command line - that's where I got the more detailed error message:

I don't really know what the error message is about. But when I run the export using the owner-connection it finishes successfully.

ArcMap 10.5.1, Geonis 2017.0, FME 2016, Oracle 11.2

Friday, 4 October 2019

GEONIS DB UPDATE - Umlauts not importet correctly

To import german umlauts (and other special characters) correctly into Oracle using Geonis Db Update the following two requirements have to be fullfilled:

(1) first line of XML file needs to define correct encoding:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

(2) XML file encoding itself needs to be UTF-8 BOM

Geonis 2017