Monday, 21 October 2019

Geonis form with SQL

I added the following SQL statement to a Geonis form

 <edit title="Objekt" width="150">  
 select name_nummer as name from u_ele_trasseeabschnitt where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select name_nummer as name from u_ele_strangabschnitt where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select name || ', ' || u_tplnr from ele_tragwerk where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select name || ', ' || u_tplnr from ele_schacht where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  

but I didn't get any results. Turns out that one needs to use the CONCAT command instead:

 <edit title="Objekt" width="150">  
 select name_nummer from u_ele_trasseeabschnitt where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select name_nummer from u_ele_strangabschnitt where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select concat(name, concat(', ', u_tplnr)) as name_nummer from ele_tragwerk where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]  
 union all  
 select concat(name, concat(', ', u_tplnr)) as name_nummer from ele_schacht where globalid = [REF_FEAT_GID]                                     

Geonis 2017.0

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